Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lifeguard App

I was a lifeguard this summer--best summer of my life--but one thing I wish I had to help me was an app for lifeguards. Every day they work, lifeguards are required to go over their training to keep it fresh in their minds in case of an emergency. Sometimes this becomes difficult. Maybe there are time constraints, medical problems, or forgetfulness that may prohibit a trained lifeguard from remembering every detail of their training. If there was a lifeguard app, things could be different.

The idea I have for this app would have two main parts to it:
1). the app would automatically would push notifications to your phone  being the "tip of the day" or "never forget" messages that would be set at random and come to the phone every day.
2). when the app is open the user could take practice tests or go through the lifeguard manual that would help jog the users brain when remembering his/ her training.

There would definitely be security precautions that would definitely take place to ensure that only lifeguards can use this app. The user would have to put in their certification information that could only be obtained after taking a class. This makes sure that this app is not a replacement to the actual training needed to become a lifeguard. Also, if the user fails multiple practice tests in a row some of the information would be sent to their current supervisor. This ensures that if the user is not keeping up doing anything to remember their training, then he/ she would not be allowed to take care of the people at his/ her pool.

This is just an idea I had, but if there is anything out there that is anything like this then please comment.

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